Petitzel Fruit Vinegar is a concentrated non-alcoholic beverage that is made from 100% natural fruit vinegar, which allows you to enjoy the natural taste and nutrients of the fruit.

Special & Unique Beverage

You can enjoy healthy sweetness since there is no sugar added, but contains fructooligosaccharide and fruit juice from nature.
There are no preservatives and
pigmentation added in Petitzel vinegar,so it’s all natural.
Petitzel Vinegar offers a diverse range of fruity flavors that blend perfectly with any type of drink. Just add the vinegar and you can make special refreshing beverages on your own!

How is it Healthy

Fresh vinegar due to Aseptic Filling System
Because the vinegar was sterilized at high temperature and temporarily cooled
down in manufacturing process, you’ll be able to drink it freshly because its
nutrients are rarely destroyed and the drink maintains its unique flavor and
fragrance. It also helps to suppress the destruction of Vitamin C, and helps the
body to absorb Calcium and Magnesium.
Contains many nutrients, such as:
Folic Acid – Potassium – B1 – B2 – C – Carnitine
Carnitine Acid Benefits:
Strengthens the heart and prevents heart attacks.
Enhances functions of the liver and kidney.
Helps with reducing weight.
Inner Beauty

Inner Beauty 

These days, many youth aim at gaining a natural pretty look, and this can be achieved by focusing on the inner care.

It has been proved that taking care of the body and the innerorgans affects the person’s appearance and gives them a bright and spirited look. Petitzel fruit vinegar has many factors that contribute to keeping
the body healthy, such as helping with bowel movement which
helps with diet and weight loss. It is also good for blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol control which improves immunity. It
also prevents summer heat fatigue.

This will eventually lead to a body full of energy with a natural
healthy look!


Available Flavors


How Can I Drink it ?

Petitzel Fruit Vinegar is a concentrated drink that needs to be mixed with other liquids before consuming.
You can mix it with water, sparkling water, soda, milk, tea and anything else you like!
So GO CREATIVE and make up your own drink!